3rd International Festival of Choirs

The LYDIKO CONSERVATOIRE OF THESSALONIKI in collaboration with O.DI.AS., the INTERNATIONAL ACTION ART of the UNESCO group and under the auspices of the Municipality of Ampelokipi-Menemeni with the responsible and artistic director Mrs. Natasa Ignatiadou recognized by the Ministry of Culture, organizes the 3rd international choir festival at the KARAPANTSIO theater on 25/26/27/11/2022.

The purpose of the festival, through this large event that will take place in various parts of Thessaloniki, is to highlight the work of the choirs of Greece and the world in general. Our goal is to unite and promote cultural actions that elevate the spirit of music and artistic creation.

Your presence will make us very happy.

In case you accept the invitation, please send us the following by 09/30/2022. (Full information form, will be sent to you electronically, upon acceptance of our invitation).

1. Biography of the choir

2. Photography

3. Conductor's name and any name of the orchestra.

4. Number of members of the ensemble.

5. In the case of instruments other than the piano that will be located at the event venue, please let us know which and how many instruments there are for the best sound coverage

6. The program you will sing which must not exceed strictly 15 minutes, (usually it is 5 songs)

In case of accommodation please inform us because for the festival we got special offers since at that time due to the many exhibitions most hotels are already closed.